Thursday, November 17 is Give to the Max Day!!

The day when Minnesotans band together to give monetary support to nonprofits and schools throughout the state. It is a great day to be a Minnesotan because it is a day when our philanthropic spirit shines through!

Khai is the one who usually creates our Give to the Max campaigns and provides lots of stats and graphs, tangible outcomes and accomplishments to illustrate what A Better Society does. We decided to change it up a bit this year – I get to tug at your heartstrings and place myself outside of my comfort zone.

First of all, we are in awe of what A Better Society has accomplished with the hundreds of people who have used their passions and talents to provide thousands of volunteer hours to our many projects. We are humbled by monetary support from the community, businesses, and granting organizations. Through generous contributions and volunteer support, A Better Society has helped other social entrepreneurs take their ideas and make them reality. We have provided over 2500 bikes to people in need throughout the Twin Cities and into Jamaica and Africa! We have supported countless youth and adult service groups in their own efforts to build a better society.

Our hope today, as you make donations to the many worthy causes, is that you consider taking your giving and serving to the next level.

  • Consider making a larger donation to the nonprofits you support.
  • Try to find a cause that stirs strong emotions within you and make the time to do something for that cause.
  • Reach out to the nonprofits that you financially support and find out how you can volunteer for them.
  • Think about other ways that you can make the world a better place.

Here is the place where I move myself out of my comfort zone. Last week, I had the amazing (and scary) opportunity to give the keynote speech to the recipients of the Presidenial Service Award at Minnetonka Public Schools. Being the introvert that I am and having a fear of speaking to a large crowd, with a microphone, on a stage, with bright lights, and a camera recording me, this was absolutely out of my comfort zone. Khai has pushed me to the next level and posted the video of my speech onto YouTube in hopes that it inspires you to find ways to make a larger impact with your giving and serving.  I hope that it works!!

Take care and happy Give to the Max Day!!

Heather Tran